Effective Hedge Fund Branding and Website Design Now More Important than Ever
The phrases “hedge fund marketing” and “hedge fund public relations” have already begun to mean something different than in previous years. Early in 2013, SEC Commissioners voted 4-1 to lift a ban on hedge funds’ ability to more broadly advertise their services to potential investors, which was part of the 2012 Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act. With the lifting of the 80-year old ban on hedge fund advertising going live in September, hedge fund marketing has officially changed. Until now, promoting hedge funds had often been relegated to word-of-mouth communications among high-net-worth investors and in board rooms. Now hedge fund managers can join other financial services providers in using print, digital, and broadcast media channels to engage with potential clients.
The SEC hopes that this recent change will help spur economic growth by opening up more investment choices to American consumers. However, the increase in competition will present many hedge fund managers with a new challenge. Matt Brunini, Founder of the investment-focused marketing firm, MBC Strategic, notes, “Most hedge funds really lack a true brand identity and differentiated positioning, much less any real marketing plan. Hedge funds are well behind the rest of the investment world in their marketing, brand strategy and especially with their web presence and these new regulations are going to make asset-raising even more competitive. While we certainly don’t consider the new law to be open season to market to non-accredited investors, it does open the door for effective hedge fund branding efforts to better reach and connect with qualified investors and help get the word out for proven managers with strong track records.”
MBC Strategic has been specializing in web design for financial services firms and branding for investment companies for the past 15 years. The firm has the industry knowledge, award-winning design background and track record to assist with any and all hedge fund public relations and hedge fund branding and advertising requirements. MBC Strategic has been working with alternative investment firms for more than a decade, delivering sophisticated hedge fund website design and branding packages, which will now become even more important to a potentially wider audience. As the future looks brighter for American investors, MBC Strategic is excited about the opportunity to further help hedge fund managers build strong financial services brands and effective public relations efforts.
Tags: alternative investment branding and marketing, alternative investment marketing, award winning financial service marketing, brand strategy for financial and investment firms, branding for wealth management companies, financial and investment marketing and branding strategies, hedge fund marketing services, website design for financial services, website for alternative investment firm