Investment Marketing Newsletter – 2Q07
The Investment Marketing Business
There is often great benefit in building a branded microsite to support an individual line of business or position a firm’s unique expertise in a specific area of its operations. The site should have a unique name and specialized content, but it can offer a great deal of credibility to support the overall brand as well as the specific secondary or sub-brand. If your firm has a really unique process that is a significant competitive advantage, explore your options for positioning the process with its own site, look, and feel. With the right marketing and linking, it may work to add credibility and support for not only the process, but for your primary branding efforts as well.
Watch List
During the second quarter, MBC continued to build out an entire module of process-supportive content and materials for major provider of retirement investment solutions. The company’s new division contains new branding and a sophisticated professorial and academic image to help support the firm’s positioning as the expert in managing retirement risk. While the module is still in development, its components include a microsite, white papers, email campaigns, presentations, and a wide variety of additional sales materials.
Marketing Consultant’s Corner
An important part of an effective capital raising experience is the look, feel, and copy that are included in the package of materials delivered to potential investors. Yet, this crucial packaging involved with business plans is often overlooked. As important as the financials that will be scrutinized and analyzed by financiers, effective positioning and design of a business plan can make the materials more organized and easier to digest. A good business plan should set the stage for the future brand of the entity, division, or product line, and should have the right image and voice. Whether for internal or external distribution, your business plan should resonate and connect with readers and should be a persuasive document to drive action.
The Ticker
The team at MBC recently completed a research paper and article for major purveyor of index-driven investment products and services. The content was focused on hedge fund replication strategies and the positive portfolio characteristics the practice can generate for a wider range of prospective investors. A number of major players have recently entered the space and the research and article series focused on the benefits offered to a growing pool of investors and advisors who cannot access or offer individual hedge funds, yet could still benefit from the results generated by hedge market strategies.